Welcome to Trout and Feather, where my mission is simple: Fly Fishing and Fly Tying for Everyone! Both are incredible addictions and I want to help lessen the learning curve. Feel free to check out my site, packed full of videos, essential information, tips and tricks!
RELEASE DATE: January 14, 2025
Perhaps no other area in fly fishing has experienced as much sensation, and growth, as “Euro Nymphing.” This term, which is actually not the most accurate but has been the one that has stuck, describes a broad category of nymphing (fishing flies under the water as opposed to on top of the water) techniques from around the world—Czech, Polish, Spanish, French, as well as American—brought to the forefront by the rise of fly fishing competitions. This pioneering fly tying book focuses on teaching the most popular patterns in this category and includes approximately 15 flies with over 350 full-color tying steps.
Even more, this book features over 30 of today’s top anglers and fly tiers! Each was interviewed and shared fly tying tips, CONFIDENCE FLIES, fishing tips, and lots more…included in the book. This list includes Devin Olsen, George Daniel, Lubos Roza, Josh Miller, Howard Croston, Pat Weiss, Lance Egan, Franta Hanak, Pablo Castro, David Arcay, Tim Flagler, and many more. The information each shared is current, relevant, and will make you a better fly tier and fly fisher tomorrow.
*All copies purchased through Trout and Feather are autographed by the author. For international orders, please email me for a shipping quote: CONTACT