Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Presentations
Fly fishing and tying are about getting to your next level, and that is best done through experience and vetted information. I am excited to help others learn more about these great topics, and have been fortunate to be involved in many seminars, presentations, banquet talks, fly tying classes, Trout Unlimited groups and everything else in between.
*NEW* Zoom presentations now available online, and I have presented virtually over 100 (ONE HUNDRED!) times.
Presentations include high-quality images and stories that everyone in the audience can connect to. From PowerPoint slideshows, tying demonstrations, and interactive hands-on demos, I’ll meet the needs of your group. Topics cover a range, from European nymphing techniques, fishing emergers, tying guide-style flies, and traveling to destinations around the world!
Contact me HERE for details. Click the “List” below for my current presentation offerings:
Bio: Tim Cammisa
Tim Cammisa, the force behind "Trout and Feather," has dedicated over a decade to producing educational fly-tying and fly-fishing videos, enriching enthusiasts worldwide. With a background as a seasoned fly-fishing guide and teacher, Tim is a sought-after presenter and tier at prestigious events like The Fly Fishing Show and International Fly Tying Symposium, as well as club gatherings nationwide.
His passion for angling transcends borders, leading fly fishing trips to coveted destinations like Iceland and Alaska. Tim’s first book, Fly Tying for Everyone, covers a wide range of topics essential for mastering the art of fly tying, including materials, tools, techniques, and patterns. Tim’s second book, Tying Euro Nymphs and Other Competition Favorites, is due out January 2025, a pioneering project that focuses on the most popular patterns in Euro nymphing.
Tim resides in Harmony, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Heather, and their children, Angelo and Fina.
Upcoming Scheduled Events: 2025
January 24 - 26, 2025 - Edison Fly Fishing Show
Featured presenter
January 30 - The Orvis Fly-Fishing Podcast with Tom Rosenbauer
Podcast recording
February 3 - Fly Fishing Insider Podcast, 4:00 pm ET
Podcast recording
February 6 - United Fly Tyers
Zoom presentation: Emergers Fl Tying, 6:30 PM ET
February 10 - Wet Fly Swing podcast released!
February 12 - Tri-County Trout Club: Pittsburgh, PA
Five for Five: Conquering Alaska's Salmon Grand Slam!
February 21 - 23 - Denver Fly Fishing Show
Featured presenter
March 8 & 9 - Midwest Fly Fishing Show
Featured presenter
March 15 & 16 - Lancaster Fly Fishing Show
Featured presenter
March 25 - Cranberry Twp. Public Library, 6:30 pm ET
"Intro to Fly Fishing and Fly Tying" presentation
April 5 - Trout Opening Day in Pennsylvania!
April 8 - Ken Sink Trout Unlimited
Presentation TBD
April 15 - Diablo Valley Fly Fishing Club, Zoom presentation 7:30 pm PT (10:30 pm ET)
Euro Nymphing & Competition Favorites: Secrets to Success on the Water (NEW presentation)
May 1 - Private Group
Rising to the Occasion: Mastering Dry Flies and Emergers
June 20 - 26: Iceland Waterfall Group Trip
July 25 - 31: Iceland Trophy Group Trip
August 5 - 12: Alaska Group Trip (fly-in)
Fly fishing is a passion of Tim’s, as evidenced by him traveling around the world to catch trout like this one. Tim specializes in fly fishing with flies that he tied himself, all meant to imitate insects, bait fish, or whatever the fish are eating!
Speaking Engagements: If you are interested in having me as a guest speaker or fly tier for your group or function, please contact me early to determine availability. My presentations will be specifically tailored to your group, and revolve around fly fishing, fly tying, or a combination. All presentations include visuals and content relevant to today's fly fishing. Let’s work together to determine the topic that will work best for your group!

Notable Prior Events and Happenings:
The Fly Fishing Show: Denver, Edison, Lancaster; featured headliner
International Fly Tying Symposium: Featured Fly Tier, Presenter, and teacher
Fly Tier’s Reunion (Seven Springs, PA)
Headliner: Midwest Fly Fishing Expo
Ambassador: Semperfli Fly Tying
Ambassador: Stio
J. Stockard:
“Fly of the Month”: Cammisa’s Stealth Mode
Blog Post: Cahill Frenchie
Fly Fishers International Virtual Expo - November 2021
Fly Fishers International Roundtable, with Al Beatty and Eric Austin, 2022
Rainy’s Flies: Fly Designer
Banquet speaker: White Clay Fly Fishers
Thank you to these clubs and groups for having me as a featured speaker:
Candlewood Valley Trout Unlimited
Clear Fork Trout Unlimited
Columbia Basin Fly Casters
Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited
Clear Fork River Trout Unlimited
Demuth Fly Fishing: Instagram Live
Ernest Schwiebert Chapter of Trout Unlimited (Princeton, NJ)
Fly Fishers International Twin Tiers - Five Rivers Chapter
Fly Tying Get-Together; Canton, OH
Forest City Fly Fishing Club: London, Ontario
Indianapolis Fly Casters
Inland Empire Fly Fishing Club
International Angler; Pittsburgh
Jersey Shore TU
Ken Sink Trout Unlimited
Long Island Fly Rodders
Long Island Trout Unlimited
Mesilla Valley Flyfishers: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Ottawa Fly Fishing Society
Penn’s Woods West Trout Unlimited - multiple presentations over the years, thanks!
Philadelphia Anglers Club - January 2023
Pittsburgh Sportsmen's Luncheon Club
Project Healing Waters: Pittsburgh
Squan-a-Tissit chapter of TU
Shawn Holsinger: YouTube
Tri-County Trout Club: Pittsburgh, PA
United Fly Tyers
Listing of podcast appearances: CLICK HERE
Fly Tying Demonstrations and Seminars: Teaching others patterns, tips, and techniques is a lot of fun and my passion, thus I am happy to share my knowledge. This can be accomplished in a variety of settings, including at your group's meeting site, a fly shop, or even online. Please contact me, and we can determine the setting and types of patterns to tie for your group.