Miscellaneous Gallery A

Movie Review of "Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys"
Yes, not only did I see "Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys," but I also got my picture taken with Joe! In this YouTube video, I share some experiences with Mr. Joe Humphreys, plus my thoughts after seeing the movie. This award-winning documentary has been to festivals and theaters around the country, and the movie is now available to own or rent.

Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys
The fly fishing documentary, "Live the Stream: The Story of Joe Humphreys," has been winning awards in festivals around the country since its release. In this video, I talk about the legendary Joe Humpreys and a showing of the film featured in Pittsburgh during 2019.

Thank you!
When this video was made, I had just found out that there were over 100,000 video views of my fly tying tutorials, and this was my video response to that news. I want to thank everyone for all of the support given to me related to my YouTube channel, especially my wife, parents, cousin Helen, and all other family and friends. For everyone watching my videos, I appreciate the feedback and support, and will do my best to ensure I am creating content related to what you want and need.

Chuck Furimsky's Turbo Tail
In this fly tying tutorial, Chuck Furimsky is our guest tyer and shares his Turbo Tail pattern. This unique tie features Chuck's Bugskin material, and there is no doubt that his creativity shows with this one. Chuck does an excellent job tying, plus shares a lot of great stories and thoughts along the way. Additionally featured in this video is some incredible underwater footage by Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions.

"Two Minute Tying" Introduction
On my YouTube channel, there are a series of videos titled "Two Minute Tying," which are patterns that fall into the "guide fly" category. These are simple flies to tie and effective to use. This video is my overview of the series, and I hope persuades you to add many of the patterns to your boxes.

Project Healing Waters: March 2014 Update
This video represents something I am truly proud of, and that's the Project Healing Waters collection I organized in early 2014. I placed an initial video on YouTube asking for fly tying and fly fishing donations to be given to veterans new to both, and the response was overwhelming. Because of that, I plan on making this a yearly YouTube "event," and know that it will grow in the future. Thank you to all who support Project Healing Waters, as they are a superior organization helping others.

Intruder Steelhead Fly
Joe Kayafas shared this Intruder pattern with us on my YouTube page, and it has received some positive feedback. Joe does a great job explaining all of the stages of this fly's creation, and there are many tips and techniques given throughout the tutorial. This is an excellent steelhead pattern, especially for those who enjoy swinging flies.

Crazy Charlie Saltwater Fly
Meant to imitate glass minnows, the Crazy Charlie is an effective saltwater pattern that has found its place on the flats. During the tutorial, I also discuss some materials that can be substituted with similar results. This is a fly that has produced for many years, and belongs in the boxes of anyone fishing for bonefish.

"Steeler Bugger"
With so many Woolly Bugger variations out there, I figured that there might as well be one for the Pittsburgh Steelers! This fly was created during football season one year as part of a thread on the Fly Tying Forum, and as you can probably guess, I've received many reports from people saying that this pattern has done really well on a variety of fish. Sometimes it is best to let your creativity guide you when tying, which is what I did when working on this "Steeler Bugger."

"Medusa's" Halloween Streamer
Simply a fun pattern that I put together around Halloween one year, this fly really does catch fish! Part Slumpbuster, part Meat Whistle, part Zonker...how can you go wrong? Enjoy this tutorial, and remember that we must have fun when tying, as I did with "Medusa's" Halloween Streamer!

Fly Tying Overview for TCTROUT'S YouTube Channel
The original overview video for my YouTube channel...

Joe Messinger Q & A: Fly Tying (Part 2 of 2)
This video features a legend of fly tying, Mr. Joe Messinger. In Part 2, Joe talks about his early fly tying influences, plus some of his father's notable patterns.