As many of you know, I live in Pennsylvania…so how are there steelhead? In my neck of the woods, huge rainbow trout are stocked in the tributaries of Lake Erie and spend most of their life in the lake. This time of year, they run upstream in tributaries, and are an amazing species to target with a fly rod. Are they steelhead? They are a migratory fish, though don’t spend any of their life in saltwater. Are they fun? Absolutely! More importantly, many of the flies and techniques we use are effective not only for these steelhead, but also for trout.
Read moreFly Fishing Gear for Dry Flies
Poetry in motion for fly fishers is watching a trout rise to a dry fly. This visual aspect of fly fishing is a style many prefer, especially apparent by the number of anglers that chase epic bug emergences like blanket caddisfly hatches on Montana’s Missouri River, the Hex mayfly in Michigan, and Penn Creek’s Green Drake hatch in central Pennsylvania. The simple approach is to show up and fish, yet the following pieces of gear will increase the number of fish you catch, plus make for a more enjoyable experience.
Read moreCan Fly Fishing and Social Media Coexist?
When looking at that gorgeous brown trout I caught while fly fishing, do you really think Instagram “helped” me catch it? That’s a good question, though many will argue that the wild trout was caught because of time spent on the water and doing my homework. Where do platforms like Instagram and TikTok come in? Continue reading as I make the argument that they did contribute to that trout.
Read moreDoes Fly Tying Save You Money?!?
So you’re thinking about getting into fly tying! You’ve done some research, checked out some YouTube channels (hopefully MINE), and even talked to a friend. But you have that one burning question: Is fly tying worth it?!? Trust me, you’re not alone, so let’s find out if tying flies is right for you.
Read moreThe Fly that KILLED Fly Fishing?!?
Let’s be honest, can a fly really KILL fly fishing? Of course not! Yet in fly fishing, many hold true to the belief that there is that perfect fly, the magic bullet, one that will catch EVERY fish in the water. Once finding that fly, will the experience be ruined for you…or enhanced? Let’s find out!
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